Films Produced by Max Nivelli
(click on any title to view details)

Year Title (Original) Title (English)
Director Category
Lebensbahnen Pathways of Life Ernst SachsFeature
21918Der Glückssucher The Luck Seeker Arthur Ullmann
31918Die Gestohlene SeeleThe Stolen Soul Carl BoeseFeature
41918Der Fluch des NuriThe Curse of Nuri
Carl BoeseFeature
51918Das Alte BildThe Old ImageArthur UllmannFeature
61919Nocturno der Liebe / ChopinNocturne of Love / ChopinCarl BoeseFeature
71919Die Tochter des Bajazzo / Das alte LiedThe Clown's Daughter / The Old SongArthur UllmannFeature
81919Die Geächteten / Der RitualmordThe Outcasts / Ritual MurderJoseph DelmontFeature
91920Die entfesselte MenschheitHumanity Unleashed Joseph DelmontFeature
101922DoloresDoloresCarl BoeseFeature
111922FrauenschicksalWomen’s FateGuido SchambergFeature
121923Das Spiel der LiebeThe Game of LoveGuido SchambergFeature
131923Im Rausche der LeidenschaftIn the Heat of PassionGuido SchambergFeature
141923Liebe und EheLove and MarriageUnknownFeature
151924Die Samland-Bäder, Die ostpreußische Bernsteinküste The Samland Baths, The East-Prussian Amber coast
N/AShort Documentary
161924Die Tannenbergfeier in KönigsbergThe Tannenberg Ceremony in KönigsbergN/AShort Documentary
171924Die Verfassungsfeier in BerlinThe Constitution Ceremony in BerlinN/AShort Documentary
181924Die Ehren-Gedenkfeier für die Toten HeldenMemorial Ceremony for the Dead HeroesN/AShort Documentary
191926Einigkeit und Recht und FreiheitUnity and Law and FreedomJoseph DelmontFeature
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